#751: Zoe

February 13th, 2017 § permalink

She has some trouble on the stairs.

Sometimes she stops at the bottom, reaches up one paw as if to tap, then just puts it down and nervously leans back and forth, staring at the step. Then she’ll look up with pleading eyes just peeking under her big bangs and eyebrows. » Read the rest of this entry «

#442: Across Pulaski, Across Cicero

February 23rd, 2015 § permalink

For all the North Side’s talk of diversity, Albany Park is a neighborhood that really lives it.

It’s a place where posters for accordion-drenched Mexican Norteña bands get taped to the sides of Korean-language newspaper boxes. The walk west along Lawrence brings Ecuadorian restaurants, Indo-Pak grocery bazaars, barbershops with signs that say both “Se Habla Español” and “Free WiFi,” travel agencies with hand-painted signs promising low-cost trips to “India, Pakistan, Europe, Middle East, S. America & Africa.”

It’s a place where people work, live, breathe alongside each other. » Read the rest of this entry «

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